In the early eighteen hundreds the Jacquard Loom, invented by Joseph-Marie Jacquard, withdrew the weaving process from human workers, instigating the migration of control from body to mechanism in the first piece of automated machinery. Inspired by English mathematician and writer Ada Lovelace’s contribution to computing science, and the online manifesto “Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation”, produced by Helen Hester in 2015 as a member of the collective Laboria Cuboniks, which rejects the claim that science and technology are fundamentally masculine, Loom 2020 references the historical intertwining of women and coding. The work explores the concept of the world as a network of all- encompassing, interwoven interconnectivity; a structure based on tactile relations, wherein no part has a lesser value; in the work the body is material. Through the combined media of installation and performance, the work seeks to underline process over outcome, incorporating the idea of moving meditation through repetitive action and engagement in practice; a testament to pre-auto-mechanical labor.